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Embryonic Stem Cell Research

Embryonic stem cell research is unethical and unnecessary. Medical technology must be subjected to moral scrutiny. Our technology is developing faster than our ethics. A utilitarian plan to sacrifice a few humans for the good of many is simply immoral. And as history demonstrates, sanctioning a value judgment on the worth of human life is never contained to a single circumstance.


It is faulty reasoning to say it is acceptable simply because many of the embryos will die anyway. Most of the one million frozen embryos currently being stored in in-vitro clinics around the U.S. 100,000 frozen embryos are precious to their parents. If these parents decide not to implant their embryos themselves, they can offer them for adoption through programs such the National Embryo Donation Center.

Embryonic stem cell research has been associated with significant complications such as the development of aggressive sarcomas. However, adult stem cells hold promise for actual therapeutic application. While researchers persist in touting the potential of human embryonic stem cells, successful therapeutic application in humans has only been demonstrated with adult stem cells.


If the human embryo is a human person, as many believe, then experimental use of the embryo is always abuse and must not be condoned under any circumstances We do not need to go down the immoral route of destroying embryos when adult stem cells show so much promise.