"Those who advocate abortion on demand realize that moving the definition of pregnancy from fertilization to a point later in development facilitates the acceptance of methods the end what others contend is early human life. As a result, the beginning of life becomes a moving target, semantically adjusted to suit the intent of the lobbyist, politician or political activist."
—Gene Rudd, MD
Active Court Cases
June Medical Services v. Rebekah Gee, Secretary, Louisiana Department of Health and Hospitals
COURT: United States Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit
REPRESENTATION: American Center for Law & Justice
QUESTION: Given the centrality of maternal health arguments in this case, should this Court keep in mind that the assumption that abortion is generally safe, even safer than childbirth, is unsupported and almost certainly incorrect?
Why Did Gosnell Keep Severed Fetal Feet?
D. Joy Riley, M.D., M.A.
Regrettably, in defending human dignity, we are often confronted with circumstances in which humanity is degraded. “The investigators found a row of jars containing just the severed feet of fetuses.”
What Is a SHEEF, and Why Should We Care?
D. Joy Riley, M.D., M.A.
Human embryo research has long been guided by what is known as the “14-day rule.” That is, various nations have allowed research on embryos up to 14 days post fertilization.
Crossing a Bright Red Line: Human Embryo Editing
D. Joy Riley, M.D., M.A.
He Jiankui of Southern University of Science and Technology in Shenzhen, China, shocked the scientific world prior to the beginning of a conference on gene editing...
Abortion in America
Marist Poll
When asked directly to take sides on the issue of abortion, either pro-life or pro-choice, 44% of Americans describe themselves as pro-life, and 51% identify as pro-choice.
The Stones Cry Out
Sharon Quick, MD
The battle that began a few decades ago between a woman’s “choice” and a fetus’ right to life has steadily spread to new frontiers. The fetus was the first casualty.
Human Life Begins with the One-celled Embryo
Sharon Quick, MD
Cell biology has defined living organisms as carrying out various “life functions” such as Nutrition, Transport, Respiration, Synthesis, Assimilation, Growth, Excretion, Regulation, Reproduction, and Metabolism.
Men and Abortion: An Overview
Life Issues Institute, Inc.
Victor Perdessi had been having a sexual relationship with his girlfriend, Phetsakhone Chaokeo. She was the mother of an eighteen-month-old daughter from a previous relationship.
Fetal Pain Legislation: Is It Viable?
Teresa Stanton Collett
Patients may be frightened by anti abortion protesters or materials falsely alleging . . . that abortion causes fetal pain. Giving them facts and valid sources of information usually eliminates these fears.
The Woman and the Physician Facing Abortion
Dianne N. Irving, PhD
The most difficult part of this research was deciding how to apply it to my practice. I discussed it with my partners, my patients, ethicists I know and respect, and pastors in my community.
New Drug Application 21-045, Levonorgestrel and Their Possible Abortifacient Effects
Dianne N. Irving, PhD
As a former bench research biochemist/biologist (NIH/NCI) I am sending this scientific submission for your kind consideration on Levonorgestrel (Plan B and Preven) ("emergency contraceptives"), and their possible abortifacient effects.
The Ends Don't Justify the Genes
John F. Kilner, PhD
As we learn more about the human genetic code and develop tools to change it, this situation raises a huge question that society needs to answer soon: Is it ethical for parents to force their children to have genetic traits that will be harmful to the child but beneficial to the parents?
Debate About the Abortifacient Effect of the Birth Control Pill and the Principle of the Double Effect
Walt Larimore, MD
Some opponents use the term “mini-abortion” to refer to the abortion of a preborn child prior to or just following implantation. Proponents have objected to this term, declaring that it appears to devalue the preborn.
Ethical Issues Regarding Post-fertilization Effects of Oral Contraceptives
Walt Larimore, MD
I have prescribed "the Pill" since 1978. My wife and I used the Pill for years, having no moral concerns about it. Then, in 1995 my friend and practice partner John Hartman, MD, showed me a patient information brochure...
Condoms and STDs
Gene Rudd, MD
Many of our patients and colleagues will be surprised and disturbed by the latest revelation from the U.S. National Institutes of Health (NIH) and the Centers for Disease Control (CDC).
Emergency Contraception, Abortion and Informed Consent
Gene Rudd, MD
What does it mean when "morning-after pill" advocates assert to congressional leaders, "Emergency contraception cannot interrupt or disrupt an established pregnancy”?
Should the Condom Come with a Health Warning?
Graham White
In our various AIDS awareness campaigns vague comments are made about faithfulness to one partner, delaying sexual activity for as long as possible (how long is that?), the safety of marriage and so on.
Personhood: An Essential Characteristic of the Human Species
Dr. Frederick J. White, MD, FACC, FCCP