NY Physicians Against POS

NY Physicians Against POS NEW YORK PHYSICIANS AGAINST ASSISTED SUICIDE As a New York physician, I will work with my colleagues to ensure that assisted suicide does not become legal in our State. I am willing to do at least one of the following activities:* Select All Meet with my legislators or with other key…

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State Advocacy

Photo: Unsplash

Your voice matters! Our advocacy team is committed to promoting the highest ethical standard in healthcare, but we can’t do it without you. Let your lawmakers know you want to back healthcare legislation that fosters human flourishing without compromising human dignity.

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As healthcare professionals dedicated to saving and protecting human life, we affirm that all human life has special value derived from being a part of the human family. The value of human life is independent of an individual person’s genotype, developmental stage, age, sex, ethnicity, place of origin, disability, or perceived worth.

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Contact Us

Photo: Unsplash

As healthcare professionals dedicated to saving and protecting human life, we affirm that all human life has special value derived from being a part of the human family. The value of human life is independent of an individual person’s genotype, developmental stage, age, sex, ethnicity, place of origin, disability, or perceived worth.

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As healthcare professionals dedicated to saving and protecting human life, we affirm that all human life has special value derived from being a part of the human family. The value of human life is independent of an individual person’s genotype, developmental stage, age, sex, ethnicity, place of origin, disability, or perceived worth.

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As healthcare professionals dedicated to saving and protecting human life, we affirm that all human life has special value derived from being a part of the human family. The value of human life is independent of an individual person’s genotype, developmental stage, age, sex, ethnicity, place of origin, disability, or perceived worth.

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End of Life

As healthcare professionals dedicated to saving and protecting human life, we affirm that all human life has special value derived from being a part of the human family. The value of human life is independent of an individual person’s genotype, developmental stage, age, sex, ethnicity, place of origin, disability, or perceived worth.

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Beginning of Life

As healthcare professionals dedicated to saving and protecting human life, we affirm that all human life has special value derived from being a part of the human family. The value of human life is independent of an individual person’s genotype, developmental stage, age, sex, ethnicity, place of origin, disability, or perceived worth.

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